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High School 健康中心

Middle and High School 健康中心 are a powerful investment for our schools and local communities. They empower our students to promote and manage their own social, 情感, and physical health while striving to support all areas of their lives that may impact their academic potential. Our Middle and High School 健康中心 are student driven and they provide access to trusted adults, local community resources and services such as counseling, community engagement, empowerment workshops, case management and peer-to-peer support. Our Centers also support school staff by providing tools to further understand and motivate students to thrive in the classroom and beyond.

The 健康中心 provide free, confidential services while connecting students, families and staff to vital community resources. The vision is to provide a range of resources to support students and families in meeting the challenges of adolescence through prevention, early-intervention and education, in a safe and convenient place - at school.

The 健康中心 safe and inclusive practices support the academic potential of students  through the promotion of social, 情感, and physical well-being. The Centers provide, (but not limited to) the following interventions and supportive services:

  • Short Term Counseling Services (Individual/Group)
  • 社会 Service Needs Assessments/Linkages
  • Empowerment/Educational Workshops
  • Peer Mentorship/Counseling
  • Parent Support Groups
  • Student and Family Advocacy & 病例管理
  • Special Interest Activities (Art, Mindfulness, Yoga)
  • Basic Needs Closet (Snacks/Toiletries/School Supplies)
  • 社区资源
  • Classroom/工作人员 Presentations”

Wellness Center - Admin

联系 电话/地址 Position / Responsibility
Dr. Claudia Sosa-Valderrama (562) 986-6870 x.241 导演
苏珊娜一. 科尔特斯,LCSW, PPSC (562) 986-6870, x.240 项目专家

High School 健康中心

联系 网站/水平 电话 房间
玛丽亚Jaramillo 褐变 (562) 997-1700 x.6368 4203房间
Yajaira拉莫斯 Cabrillo (562) 951-7717
建筑物. 100 /房间11
伊丽莎白•里维拉 摄像头 (310) 243-1095 1008房间
玛利亚塞万提斯 约旦 (562) 423-1471 x.2287 房间B2-2
伊芙琳Raymundo 莱克伍德 (562) 425-1281 x.3341 7407房间
卡蒂·胡佛 麦克布莱德 (562) 425-3539 4746房间
艾梅Uresti 米利根 (562) 425-7441 x.658-4462 703房间
卡拉Galvez (562) 591-0581 x.5137 124房间
艾琳Favre-史密斯 文艺复兴时期的 (562) 901-0168 1107房间
凯蒂Lusk 佐藤 (562) 598-7611 507房间
韦斯利·曼宁 (子)
威尔逊 (562) 433-0481 x.6221 517房间

Middle School 健康中心

联系 网站/水平 电话 房间
Chrisaput肖恩 班克罗夫特 (562) 471-7451 x.2401 3101房间
两种安东尼奥 Cubberley (562) 420-8810 x.136 26104房间
安德里亚·桑多瓦尔市 富兰克林 (562) 435-4952 x.413 413房间
拉奎尔冈萨雷斯 汉密尔顿  (562) 602-0302 x.7707 25101房间
沃尔特Mu网on 胡佛 (562) 421-1213  800房间
Ryann使役动词 休斯 (562) 595-0831 3106房间
胡安·罗德里格斯 杰佛逊 (562) 438-9904  x.2706 房间B6
Estelia维拉斯 凯勒 (562) 421-8851 1105房间
杰西卡骑士 林德伯格 (562) 422-2845 房间21 
Mynor蒙特埃尔 林赛 (562) 423-6451  x.1323 平房23
Breanna泰特 马歇尔 (562) 429-7013  x.2803 803房间
利亚拉米雷斯 缪尔学习  (562) 426-5571  x.121 1104房间
Geovani费尔南德斯 纳尔逊 (562) 591-6041  x.5093 7103房间
Estelia维拉斯 纽科姆学习 (562) 430-1250 房间A126
Kariann Herrera 鲍威尔学习 (310) 631-8794  x.1139 房间D-39
Vanessa Luna Delgadillo 罗宾逊学习  (562) 492-6003  x.134 25103房间
两种安东尼奥 罗杰斯 (562) 434-7411  x.2501 4102房间
劳拉刺 斯坦福大学 (562) 594-9793 x.2910 910房间
Paula Pirir Solares 史蒂芬斯 (562) 595-0841 26101房间
林迪舞卡斯蒂略 点学习 (562) 493-2636 x.118 房间18
亚历克斯Hanel 华盛顿 (562) 591-2434  x.229 229房间